The Perks of Being a “Show Kid”

So great to see a fellow showman blogging & telling others what it’s really about.

Barn Adventures

10 things showing cattle taught me:

1. Work Ethic. While most kids my age were sleeping in till noon all summer, I was up before the sun doing my morning chores and back at them every afternoon.

2. Sometimes you have to fail before you can succeed. You can’t win them all, but you can often learn just as much from your losses than your wins.

3. Patience. Halter breaking a cow can take months, and requires a lot of attention from the handler.

4. Hard work does not go unnoticed

5. Family is the greatest gift. As I traveled to cattle shows I traveled with my family and no matter how many times I stood last place in the show ring they were always there to support me.

6. Competition can be good for the heart and soul. Feeling the sadness of standing last or in the bottom half…

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